Launch the Application Server


Before launching the Application Server, you should already have completed:

If the above are completed, you can start the JBoss-based ADempiere Application Server. For demonstrations, its fine to launch the server from a console. For production systems, its best to use a method that will keep the server running after the user has logged off.

Run the Server as a Stand-Alone Process

To run the ADempiere Server from a console, open up a console window and go to the ADEMPIERE_HOME/utils directory. Run the script RUN_Server2[.bat|.sh] . Then you will see the RUN_Server2 output, such as:

If the server started with no errors, you can move on to Launching the ADempiere Application.

As a Service on Windows Operating Systems

For windows operating systems, the ADempiere Application Server can be installed as a service and scripts are provided for this purpose. Open a DOS shell with Administrative Privileges, navigate to %ADEMPIERE_HOME%\utils\windows and run:

  • Adempiere_Service_Install.bat for 32-bit systems; or

  • Adempiere_Service_Install_64.bat for 64-bit systems (since 380LTS hotfix 2).

The install sets the start-up options as manual. You will need to open the Services Window (Control Panel→Administrative Tools→Services) to set the properties so the service starts automatically or manually as required for your implmentation.

(Since 380LTS hotfix 2) On 64-bit systems, the service will log the full console output to ADEMPIERE_HOME\jboss\bin\run.log. As a result, run.log may get large over time. To prevent this, comment out the CONSOLE appender-ref in the ADEMPIERE_HOME\jboss\server\adempiere\conf\jboss-log4j.xml file:

     <appender-ref ref="CONSOLE"/>
     <appender-ref ref="FILE"/>

Once the Service is running, you can move on to Launching the ADempiere Application.

Using nohup on Linux Systems

For other operating systems, check ADEMPIERE_HOME/utils/unix or use the Linux nohup command (no hangup) as follows:

nohup ./ &

To see the output of the server, use

cat nohup.out | more


tail nohup.out

If the server started with no errors, you can move on to Launching the ADempiere Application.

Trouble Shooting

Check the logs for errors. They are located at ADEMPIERE_HOME/jboss/server/adempiere/logs or ADEMPIERE_HOME/jboss/bin.

The most common problems are with ports already in use. Typical conflicting ports are:

  • HTTP: 80, 443, 8080, 8443

  • RMI : 1098, 1099

For Linux users, sometimes it helps to restart the workstation/server and execute RUN_Server2 as root.

Any port conflict when starting the Application Server must be resolved!

If you have errors related to the database, check that the database has been installed, ADempiere data imported and that the database server is running.

Last updated